Saturday, January 15, 2011


So now that I know all of you favorite genres of games, Id like to know some of your favorite games. Personally
I like te assassins creed trilogy, how about you guys?


SDG said...

Assassin's Creed is great, but I also suggest Fallout (3 and New Vegas).

GGMP said...

Assassin's Creed is one of my favourite games as well as stories, I'm also a big Halo fan and Rock Band fan.

Horuss said...

Should give Darksiders a go, really cool game

Anonymous said...

assassin's creed is hours of fun, I recommend it

JayPower said...

Yeah assassins creed has gotta be one of the best ;D

moho said...

i loooove the splinter cell series

Unknown said...

RPG games like Dragon Age, Baulder's Gate, Mass effect, and bioshock series. I like how immersive the game-plays are.

alex@172 said...

portal! i like how it fuses a puzzles game into a fps!

FanaticGamer said...

Loving New Vegas and World Of Warcraft Catacylsm at the moment.

watchman said...

nice blog man. Just subscribed to it, make sure to follow me.

Metatron said...

Assassin's Creed is a very fine game. My favorite to date is Red Dead Redemption; great story, music, it just has it all! Followed.

thegirlnextdoor said...

I rove gaming too! lol I didn't know where to comment about your name so I decided to mention it here :)