Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dead Space 2 is a survival horror game that takes place in 2511, three years after the events of Dead Space, on the Sprawl, a densely populated metropolis built on a shard of Titan, a moon of Saturn.The mental illness caused by the Marker appears to be permanent and continues to have an effect on the protagonist Isaac Clarke. The government will continue to have a place in the storyline. The game will begin in a hospital aboard the Sprawl. You guys will witness the horror of the Necromorph infection as it begins in the station. Also this game will have a multiplayer gamr function. The first one scared the shit outta me throughout the game and im looking forward to this one. It is released January 25, 2011


watchman said...

nice blog man. Just subscribed to it, make sure to follow me.

FanaticGamer said...

I can't wait for dead space 2, the online features looks awesome! similar to the Left4dead series.

-ITW- said...

all my friends keep telling me to pick this, I may look into it.

Isaac said...

Nice blog dude, following you now

anon-o-mayse said...

keep up the good work.

lookin to follow more people, hit me up and i'll return the favor.

Schla.mp3 said...

nice blog i really like the dark theme and stuff

Speedy Ed said...

might have to take a look at this, cool blog

TheDude748 said...

can't wait! dead space is awesome :)

JayPower said...

This seems like my kinda game man, cant wait to check it out ;D

Mr. Rogers said...

Thanks for all the support guys, ill check out your blogs too.

grace said...

very cool im thinking about getting this game

grace said...

very cool im thinking about getting this game

Rawr said...

nice post

iRage120 said...

Sweet blog, I can't wait for deadspace 2! I'm currently rebeating deadspace to prepare for release.

Arian said...

Really looking forward. Dead Space 1 scared me a little too much but totally worth it

and then there was METAL said...

these are my favorite kinda games.

JohnH said...

this is going to be such a sweet game. nice blogging. following you.Follow me for info on stocks, graphs and trends

Jimmy Fungus said...

You commented "how did u get such a big embed of a vid" the embed code it says something like height="380" width ="640" appears in the code twice. Just change those dimensions each time it appears and you can make the vid bigger or smaller on your page...

P.S. I'm following

_Lumina_ said...

Man I hear such great things about these games, but I am way to easily frightened for it. Looks awesome though, Follow'd:

Anonymouse said...

looks, good. something to look forward to. never played the first one though, i dunno if that will matter.

Last Remaining Light said...

I really liked the first Dead Space... I'm excited to see how this one goes, if I can save up the cash for it...

Check me out sometime.

ootori said...

I am so frickin hyped for this game. I loved the first one.

keep the cirlce moving all!